Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Big news!!!

I still find it hard to believe, but I'm going to be a Daddy!!! Please pray all goes well. I'm nervous, scared, excited and a whole myriad of other emotions all at once. My poor wife however, is dealing with the "joys of pregnancy" at the moment, so it will probably be a few more weeks before she starts to feel excited. Right now, she just feels nauseous.

Anyway, as it gets closer and we know what the sex of the baby is, we will hopefully start collecting the things all new parents need for their baby.

This past year has been full of changes, and next year is sure not to disappoint.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Nerd? Geek? Dork?

Your Score: Joe Normal

17 % Nerd, 21% Geek, 30% Dork

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored less than half in all three, earning you the title of: Joe Normal.

This is not to say that you don't have some Nerd, Geek or Dork inside of you--we all do, and you can see the percentages you have right above. This is just to say that none of those qualities stand out so much as to define you. Sure, you enjoy an episode of Star Trek now and again, and yeah, you kinda enjoyed a few classes back in the day. And, once in a while, you stumble while walking down the street even though there was nothing there to cause you to trip. But, for the most part, you look and act fairly typically, and aren't much of an outcast.

I'd say there's a fair chance someone asked you to take this test. In any event, fairly normal.


If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback!

Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in any of the following:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Professional Wrestling

Love & Sexuality


Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST

Link: The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test written by donathos on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Home from the Hospital

The last couple of weeks have been quite busy! Friday before last, my wife was scheduled for a diagnostic laproscopy to find out and fix the cause of some fairly intense pain on her left side. We went through all the admitting, pre-testing, changing into the gown, and waiting to be taken in to the OR...then we waited. After awhile, I had to go to work for a meeting I couldn't reschedule. As it turns out, the operating room had gotten backed up, and her doctor had been held up at another hospital when the previous procedure before his had some complications. As a result, they rescheduled for the following Wednesday before Labor Day, refilled her Vicodin prescription and she went home.

Saturday was spent cleaning house in preparation for moving in Taylor's bedroom furniture, which up to this point was still at her parents house (I know, we've been married almost 1/2 a year, and she still isn't moved in) followed by moving day on Sunday. By Sunday night, we had my bedroom furniture in the guest bedroom, had her bedroom suit set up in our master bedroom, and had her desk set up in the office. Needless to say by the end of the day, we were spent.

On Wednesday, we checked into the hospital and this time, everything went off without a hitch. Another tiring day, but the pain in her left side is gone, and she is slowly but surely recovering from surgery.

This past weekend was spent mostly in the garage. Thanks to my in-laws, who came upon several shelving units left by a former tenant of their adjoining office space, I was able to completely re-organize the garage. I didn't quite get it where I want it, but it's very close. I need to put in one more Saturday, and with any luck, I may be able to get BOTH cars in the garage in an emergency, and that hasn't been possible since I moved in to the place.

Last but not least, I've added a new feature to my blog page. I've often wondered about who visits and reads my blog, and now with this added feature, I can see approximately where my page was accessed. I'm glad to see hits in Ohio from a friend who relocated for work, Oklahoma from friends/family, Georgia from a relocated friend from church, and England by friends made while helping out with their Holiday Club in their local church. I think of you guys often, including those in England. Hope all is well, and drop me a line sometime.

I guess that's enough for now. Thanks for tuning in.

Friday, August 17, 2007

In honor of my Birthday...

Though my birthday isn't until tomorrow, I saw this on Blogthings and thought I'd post the results, as I may not have time tomorrow...

Your Birthdate: August 18

You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause.
You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.
Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.
You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress.

Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years

Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities

Your power color: Crimson red

Your power symbol: Snowflake

Your power month: September

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Your Famous Movie Kiss is from The Princess Bride

"This is true love - you think this happens every day?"

You Are Superman

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
And pretty cute too. No wonder you're the most popular superhero ever!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 7 - Sea World

Finally, after 4 months of being married, I've finally gotten around to posting the last day of our honeymoon to Florida. It's not as fresh in my mind anymore, but it was still a fun experience I want to share at least a few pictures of, even though I may be a little short on the details and descriptions.

By this time in our vacation, we were so tired we didn't get to Sea World until about lunch time, even though it was within walking distance of our condo. The drawback is that we didn't get as much of a chance to linger at any of the habitats, as we wanted to see as many of the shows as possible, and you have to be at each show 15 - 30 minutes before it's scheduled start to get a decent seat. When one show was over, it was close to time to start for the next show. We ended up seeing three shows total.

First, upon entering the park, which we had access to due to our tickets to Discovery Cove, we turned left and spent some time watching the dolphins at the dolphin habitat before heading to the dolphin show.

A female trainer swam with, rode and was pushed by one or a combination of dolphins. A part of the show included a strange type of whale, which was presented by the male trainer.

After the dolphin show, we went through the penquin habitat, followed by watching the seals and sea lions in their habitat. The second show included seals and sea lions.

Lastly, we had to see Shamoo the Killer Whale. We were disappointed in that the normal show was canceled, as Shamo had just given birth on Monday of that week. We did however get to see her guiding her baby around the tank, teaching it to stear and swim, as well as watch the video of the birth on the jumbotron. The trainers would drop handfulls of fish in the mother's mouth each time she passed in front of the croud.She kept the baby on the outside of her closest to the croud, but it was still difficult to get a good shot of the baby.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 6 - Kennedy Space Center/Downtown Disney

I seem to have stopped before finishing my synopsis of our Florida honeymoon. I'm not entirely sure why the dry spell, though the last month or two have been emotionally draining, but I'll try to fill in what I can remember of Day 6. I apologize in advance as I know my recall of the day will not flow well, as it's a bit jumbled up in my brain. Luckily we have pictures, and I'll add them to my flickr site some time this weekend, which is linked on the right side of this page.

Before I do that though, for anyone who hasn't visited my better half's blog, we have a new addition to the family. I never thought I'd ever utter these words, but...we have purchased a cat. That's right, a C-A-T. No, hell has not frozen over, but I do love my wife, and she is after all a cat person, which I knew before I married her, so we went out together and purchased a stray from the local animal shelter. The next stop was at the local Petsmart, where I imagine the receipt total was easily more than the cat cost.

Taylor named her Lola...Here she is with what was to become her wooby. It's the first toy she played with, and she carries it around the house with her and leaves pink feathers on the carpet.

Her food bowl, water and bed are under the end table next to my recliner, since that is the first place she went when we let her out of the box. The sliding patio door is just behind her and she loves to watch the birds and squirrels.

Lying next to the box she came in.

I have to say, I'm surprised that this cat was still at the shelter. She's such a sweet and loving animal and if I'm not careful, she may break through my surly anti-cat exterior. I'm sure if you asked my wife, she would tell you she's done that already, but I have to keep up appearances, at least for a little while.

Anyway, on to day 6 - Kennedy Space Center

We were hoping to see a shuttle launch since one was scheduled to lift off while we were in Florida, but alas, it was not to be. The hail damage from the month prior grounded the shuttle until well after we were to leave town. It was decided therefore to visit Kennedy Space Center on a day that showed the highest promise of rain, which pushed our plans to visit Sea World to day 7.

There were 3 stops on our tour of the space center, the first of which was the observation gantry located between the current launch platform and the vehicle assembly building, which is the tallest single story structure in the world. Located next to the vehicle assembly building sat the Crawler Transporter, which has an astonishing fuel efficiency of 150 gallons per mile. You read that right folks, though granted it's max loaded speed is one mile per hour.

In one building was I believe a rocket from the Apollo missions that was built as a backup, but was never used.

We also saw pieces of the international space station, both under construction and complete and ready for loading. I think this was on the 3rd stop of the tour, but I'm not entirely sure anymore.

The remaining stop was at the old mission control, which was set up to simulate being present during a lift off, complete with countdown, lit computers and switches, rattling windows and surround sound of the engines during lift off.
After leaving NASA, we went to check out Downtown Disney, just to see what was there. We've marked it mentally for a place to spend more time if we ever get to visit Orlando again.

Next, Our final day in Florida, Day 7 - Sea World.